
head of sound

Breaking News – Frank Schaetzing – Loy Wesselburg – 00 Final Episode

Saying the words “YES WE ARE HAPPY” Frank Schätzing is finally taking the bloody briefcase. Loy Wesselburg tells him the combination to open it right in time before “Lit. cologne 2014” begins. Yes, this is some sort of a happy end! We are performing 6 evening shows in front of an enthusiastic audience, using our state of the art 16 channel surround soundscape equipement.Robert Nacken at his best! It is loud. It is dirty. The air is vibrating from the pulse of heavy helicopters, motorcycles, and a Land Cruiser in the desert of Afghanistan. Franks reading rocks the house and with a birdlike voice Ofrin is singing live on stage. And allthough we all know, it is not over yet – they are still out there – there is hope coming up and some sort of released tension. “Aber wie es weitergeht. Und der Koffer? Nun ja, wir werden sehen!”

Final Episode!!

Audiobook story: Frank Schätzing
The voices of: Hansi Jochmann, Oliver Stritzel
Director: Loy Wesselburg
Production: loy production.
Recorded at Nhow Studios Berlin
music on video: loy wesselburg
Feat. Ulla van Dahlen

Frank Schätzing
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