
head of sound

At the Movies : Luegen und andere Wahrheiten – Vanessa Jopp

"Lügen und andere Wahrheiten" by Vanessa Jopp is out now at cinemas in Germany. Based on a song we wrote, the score for this beautiful movie is mostly orchestrated in subtle colors of small chamber music, melted into modern singer songwriter attitudes. It is also the first official release of the cooperation between lyricist Ian Slater and composer Loy Wesselburg.

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We are proud to announce “BEST Hörspiel EVER” Audible award for “DER SCHWARM” by Frank Schätzing

"Der Schwarm" became "BEST HÖRSPIEL EVER" . Allready some years ago we produced Frank Schätzing´s thriller "Der Schwarm" at our studio in Cologne. This adventure is still not at an end, it seems, as listeners voted and decided to make our Hörspiel the most successful one ever produced in Germany. Thank you very much, indeed.

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SWR Rundschau Redesign and Audio logo

German TV Station SWR goes on air with our Music. We developed a new audio Logo for the TV station as well. "Rundschau" is the most important News on television besides "Tageschau". The main title for "Rundschau" comes in two Versions. One for Baden Würtemberg, and the other one for Baaden Baaden. Music and Sounddesign Loyproduction. Design: Feedmee Design GmbH.

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